Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nail-biting time

R and I finally found a house we agree on, that won't stretch us beyond breaking and will be enough space inside and out. The offer has gone out to the seller, we've signed the first of the paperwork, and now the wait begins. Just like the last house we loved, there are multiple offers in play here so things are very tense. I still have the lovely poem i wrote for the first "dream" bungalow we tried to buy, but I'm hesitant to send it since it was written for another house. Is that considered a faux pas in the property realm? Hard to know since i've never done this before. Hopefully things will be relatively painless, and the sellers will accept the offer on the first try. Then of course we will have to wait for the home inspection and appraisals to be performed. It's the VA appraisal that's really got me sleepless. I mean, how do we know they won't just dismiss the house out of pocket because it is old and needs so much work? And what if they use an appraiser that has absolutely no appreciation for old houses? I've heard horror stories about the hoops that homebuyers are made to jump through to please a third party. I don't want to become one of them! Has anyone else out there gone through this kind of nerve-wracking second-guessing? please commiserate! I DON'T want to be grinding my teeth in bed every night for the next month. ACK!!

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