Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Things Are Starting To Look Up

At least on the purchasing end of our journey. We have a binding contract on the 28th St house, with escrow closing on the 12th of next month. The rush to close is necessitated by R's work schedule, he'll be very busy the rest of this year, as his carrier prepares for their move. He is supposed to be off the ship before the move, so at least he won't have to fly back from overseas. But the really good news is that the sellers signed an agreement to repair anything mandated by the VA appraiser or lender, which means there shouldn't be any obstacles to closing on their end. No repeats of 26th St nightmare, yay! Our inspection is scheduled for next week, I have my fingers crossed that nothing wacky turns up. And of course now is when we have to finish packing, cleaning, painting, requesting leave, reserving a truck & lodging, getting quotes for carpet and pest control for the apt. Lots to do before closing day!


Sandy and Michael said...

Congrats & Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly for you!


Dulcie said...

Hey - how'd your inspection go?


sarah said...

It, uh, didn't go at all. For the second time in a row, the inspector arrived at the house only to find that the power was off and the bathroom hadn't been finished. Urk. Apparently the owner has delusions a la "Flip This House" and forgot to check up on his contractors over the past week. So they simply did not show up to do any work. You'd think these yahoos would get a clue! Anyhew, to make a long story short, we've extended all our dates to close on the 19th, the inspector will be back on Friday and is threatening to charge the seller for his time if utilities are not fully operable that day. Good for him, in the meantime we are still waiting to find out if we'll be moving to Utah with nowhere to live yet! Thanks for thinking of us. We'll try to keep ya posted.